COP9 Signalosome

COP9 Signalosome

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About COP9 Signalosome:

Since its discovery, the COP9 Signalosome has been the subject of intense research in recent years. The mechanism, structures, and interactions are being discovered and refined all the time, with researchers only just scratching the surface of this fascinating protein.
COP9 Signalsome (Constitutive photomorphogenesis CSN) was first identified in various species of plants. Having been initially determined to be a negative regulator of Constitutive Photomorphogensiss (COP) within the plant, it was later found outside plant-based organisms.
On a further study by researchers, COP9 signalosome was then found to be present not only in plants but in humans and in all eukaryotic organisms. Eukaryotic organisms are those defined as containing cells with a nucleus enclosed inside a nuclear envelope.

COP9 Signalsome Structure
The COPS is a protein complex with marked isopeptidase activity. COPS found in humans is made up of 8 subunits: CSN1, CSN2, CSN3, CSN4, CSN5, CSN6, CSN7 (COPS7A and COPS7B), CSN8.

COP9 Signalsome Function
COPS was found to have a similar structure to sub-complex 26S proteasome and CSN, after being initially being thought of as a photomorphogenesis depressor in Arabidopsis, has been identified as an important factor in the cellular and developmental processes of eukaryotic organisms.
Recent studies into the function of COPS have shown that it is critical in sustaining SCF activity in this and cullin-based ubiquitin ligases. It is also able to bind denedyllated cullin-RING complex yet retains them, making it a sole deactivator or CRLs.

COP9 Signalsome Applications
COPS is currently being for drug applications, with early trials indicating that the death of cancer cells could be achieved by inhibiting COPS.